Author: admin

Is Humanity Sustainable

Noēsis asks the human race to take a chance on truth, in return for a reward called human sustainability.  Modern humans can now understand our shared place of origin.  Evolutinary influence on modern behavior can be quantified.  If not, misinterpreted modern threats will destroy us.  We will arrest human degradation, or our species will perish “All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”  —Roy Batty, “Blade Runner.” In this above illistration, highlighted in orange, are the current concerns that block human sustainability.  The inertia of conflict into perpetuity is neither natural nor remotely survivable.   The bottom of the chart, highlighted in white, is a template for hope.  Humanity must examine itself in unblinking fashion.  We have the evolutionary data to do that.  The

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Commitment to Extinction

–Modern humans act unnaturally, relative to 100,000 prior generations of collaborative, affiliative and cooperative behavior.  Collaborating humans thrived for 2,000,000 years. Around 10-15,000 years ago, as populations grew, the first class-based economic models formed.  These models of acquisitive self-interest are foreign to human DNA.  Self-interested behavior short-circuited evolutionary chemistry.   The Human Injury was born.  Humans diminished their own in class-based hierarchies.   –Resentment was introduced to the human experience.   –Resentment gave way to Vengeance.   –Vengeance gave way to Insurgency   All human empires to come were doomed at inception, but they could not know why.  The precision of these assured breakdowns is now understood. These same doomed models exist today, globally.  CONCLUSION:  Not Survivable. Monetized human conflict cannot view itself.  Humanity will redirect its inertia, or our species will commit to its demise,

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Blame, Blame Rejection

Human failure has been called “complex” for centuries.  It never was.  The failure of human interaction is precise, across the board. The constant is in this color illustration, The mathematics of Blame/ Blame Rejection is shown here. Party A assesses Blame to Party B.  Blame is a threat. Party B perceives a threat.  The threat is imagined.  Fight or Flight is activated. A misaligned response will present as annihilative. Party A and Party B, like matter and anti-matter, annihilate.  Perpetual conflict is the residue. The phenomenon was monetized.  Shared human origin was yet to be deduced. History books analyze situational variables.  These breakdowns are mathematical.   Return to #1.  The model restarts. Result: FORTY DEAD HUMAN EMPIRES in 10,000 years. Reason: Unnatural behavior.  Self-interest is unrecognizable to human DNA. Conclusion:

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Post Injury Collapse

Stationary human empires collapsed with mathematical precision.  The constant formula of societal breakdown is seen here. Unnatural hierarchies descend into failure, as they diminish other humans.  Lesser beings in class-based economies felt resentment, which leads to vengeance, which leads to insurgency.  These unchecked models bottom out, suffer and die.  Human failure is a mathematically assured arrival point, fueled by unnatural behavior.   RESULT: 40 Dead Human Empires. CONCLUSION: Not Survivable. The Human Injury is a DNA-based insult. The intrusion of unnatural hierarchies was the ignition point.  Monetized conflict resulted, because human origin had not yet been deduced.   This modern-day inertia has no altering force.  In lieu of redirection, humans will not survive it.

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Human Sustainability Investment

Modern humans invest in controlling Climate Change, Pandemic, Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disruptive Technologies (AI). The only known destroyer of human interaction is perpetual conflict. Monetized conflict cannot arbitrarily reirect.  The only true concern for humans – conflict into perpetuity – will not admit its existence, nor will it allow its detection.  CONCLUSION: NOT SURVIVABLE.  Modern humanity fears all the wrong things. The above investment pie chart must reorganize, to recognize an astonishing blind spot.  Controlling the effects of human failure (climate change, pandemic, disruptive technologies) will not impact the cause.  

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Evolutionary Baggage

All humans on Earth share the same evolutionary blueprint of 100,000 generations in their DNA. Evolutionary defenses activate instantly.  They crowd out the thinking mind.  Logically, modern humans are misinterpreting modern threats.  Misaligned responses are guaranteed.  These relics of human evolution once kept our ancient ancestors alive.  They are now the architects of ceaseless conflict.    The above illustration explains the mechanism.  Unnatural hierararchies are in direct conflict with 2,000,000 years of migratory collaboration.  All stationary empires broke down immediately and catastrophic, with eerie precision.  A socio-mathematical constant – The Human injury – is easily inferred. Perpetual conflict is the lone arrival point.   Conclusion:  Perpetual Conflict = Imminent Failure.  Commitment to Extinction. Misinterpreted threats are not survivable.  The odds of arbitrary resolution = zero.  Time

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Modern humanity is accelerating into ESCAPIST behavior.  The inability to manage extreme human behavior is DNA-based.  Migrating humans had no extremes to manage.   ————————————- The blue line on the left represents 2 million years of human evolution. Homo sapiens appeared 275,000 years ago, as shown. Evolving humans quantified their concerns and solved their problems, at risk of death.  Modern humans in escape mode is therefore not sustainable. Escapism is unnatural for creatures born to quantify and to solve.  Human DNA has no evolutionary blueprint to manage extremes.    Stationary cultures are placed into unnatural conflict by two different realities. —Evolutionary Influence.  Modern humans misinterpret threats.  Misaligned responses are guaranteed. —The Human Injury.  Self-interest replaced collaboration.  This DNA-based insult spawned unnatural human behavior. The place of origin for

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The Great Filter

The Great Filter. The Great Filter is the logical answer to thehe Fermi Paradox.  It’s the one explanation that cannot be reasoned away. The Milky Way is 13.2 billion years old.  it would require one sentient species in the galaxy not named “humanity” only 10 million years to colonize the entire galaxy, at sub-light speeds. By extension, If multiple civilizations once existed, evidence of that should be everywhere.  Because there is not, this paradox is called, “The Great Silence.”  We infer one of only two possibilities: 1.  No intelligent beings have ever existed, or,  2. Intelligent beings destroy themselves. Modern humanity has arrived to , The Great Filter.  Noesis challenges humanity to DEFEAT The Great Filter, to become the only civilization to ever emerge as sustainable.

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Evolutionary Baggage

In this video, we quantify the totality of evolutionary influence upon modern day behavior.  We can easily understand the general idea that all modern day behaviors have evolutionary triggers.  We now need to consider the IMMENSITY of that influence.  We tell ourselves that we’re each born as a “blank slate”.   An inconvenient fact must intrude on that interpretation.  Humans are in fact saddled with 200,000 prior generations of ancient ancestors that came before us.  It’s our ownership and not our denial that will allow sustainability.  Only a being that understands itself in great detail can plot its next point of arrival, and then create a vehicle of education that would best ensure our arrival to sustainability.

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