Author: admin


The Weight

Noēsis describes 2 million years of evolutionary influence, pressing down upon our present moments at all times. It’s no less than a WEIGHT that, if fully understood, might also be shed. If we would not wish to carry a 20-lb. weight everywhere we go, why would we wish to carry the weight of evolutionary relics that place humans endlessly into conflict and keep us there? Let’s describe “The Weight”. Let’s deduce its uselessness. Let’s then throw it off the human shoulder – FOR GOOD.

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human fear

The Sum of Human Fear

Humanity senses a gathering storm, a maelstrom not of its choosing. A sense of “freefall” has set in. Human beings are understandably fearful, and acting every bit of it. Noēsis views “The Human Condition” through a lens of great Empathy. In this video, we position Humanity not as flawed, but as injured and frightened, running low on false bravado. Humans are not flawed or failed. We are frightened and injured. An admission of helplessness would not diminish us. We bond over common enemies. Is the probable demise of Humanity – by its own hand – not enough?

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what does noesis plan to do

What Does Noesis Plan to Do?

It’s a matter of time before Noēsis is viewed as a FRIEND to a frightened and confused Mankind. We’ll first ask viewers to feel uncomfortable, as the growing existential concerns of Humanity are described. Noēsis should never be seen as alarmists, but rather, as a process-driven force for human sustainability. As the saying goes, “we’ll need to break a few eggs first”. This video explains what our process of education might look like, and what it might accomplish. A highly stressed Humanity needs answers, not theories.

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galileo effect 3

The Galileo Effect – Part 3

Galileo was not congratulated for his Truth. He was more correctly erased by forces of CONTROL. Galileo has since taken his place as, “The Father of Modern Science”. We modern human beings can now view ourselves safely, if we have the courage to look. We can reintegrate with our baser compulsions. With that in place, we will forgive ourselves for our weaknesses. We will then cherish our cosmic rarity. And finally, we will actively preserve ourselves. The human tendency to reject and destroy what it doesn’t understand can be defeated.

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galileo effect 2

The Galileo Effect – Part 2

Galileo was not congratulated for his Truth. He was more correctly erased by forces of CONTROL. Galileo has since taken his place as, “The Father of Modern Science”. We modern human beings can now view ourselves safely, if we have the courage to look. We can reintegrate with our baser compulsions. With that in place, we will forgive ourselves for our weaknesses. We will then cherish our cosmic rarity. And finally, we will actively preserve ourselves. The human tendency to reject and destroy what it doesn’t understand can be defeated.

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galileo effect

The Galileo Effect – Part 1

Galileo was not congratulated for his Truth. He was more correctly erased by forces of CONTROL. Galileo has since taken his place as, “The Father of Modern Science”. We modern human beings can now view ourselves safely, if we have the courage to look. We can reintegrate with our baser compulsions. With that in place, we will forgive ourselves for our weaknesses. We will then cherish our cosmic rarity. And finally, we will actively preserve ourselves. The human tendency to reject and destroy what it doesn’t understand can be defeated.

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Many conclude that Noēsis exists to forestall human extinction. That is flatly incorrect. A more sinister concern plagues Humanity. 99.9% of all species to ever exist on Earth are now gone. In each case, commitment to extinction happened long before the finality of extinction. “Commitment” is the point past which the recovery of any species is a mathematical impossibility. The avoidance of commitment, and not the finality of extinction, is the goal for Noēsis, as we seek a sustainable Humanity. Commitment, by its nature, can only be deduced in retrospect.

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The Mathematics of Human Failure

Any sustainable species would logically alter a failing system. By contrast, human beings rise from the ashes and begin the same failed models over and over again. The human race clearly doesn’t understand itself. Historical human events actually display mathematical similarities. Human cultures fail because of our unwillingness/inability to trace the evolutionary driving forces of repetitive human failure. With the human evolutionary timeline now well-understood, that goal of self-discovery is now attainable. Humans MUST either access and understand it, or we will perish by our inaction.

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Who is Noēsis?

This is the original Noēsis video, filmed in March of 2019. It serves as the central platform around which everything else revolves. In this founding video, residual evolutionary influence on modern day behavior is identified as being at the heart of all human failures. The story is almost 9 minutes long, but Noēsis respectfully suggests that this original video be accessed and absorbed by all visitors. It may be the best friend that a struggling Mankind has never met.

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introduction to noesis

Introduction to Noēsis

This video exposes the incorrect notion that “Climate Change”, “Pandemic” and “Nuclear Winter” are the major threats to a human species that must attain sustainability. The common denominator for the demise of all past human cultures has always been “perpetual conflict”. Those very models are in place globally in the modern day. Humanity is threatened yet again by its inability to VIEW itself. Only a “Process of Discovery” will jar a paralyzed and frightened Humanity out of its unwilling trek toward suicidal behavior.

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