Is Humanity Sustainable

Is Humanity Sustainable

Noēsis asks the human race to take a chance on truth, in return for a reward called human sustainability. 

Modern humans can now understand our shared place of origin.  Evolutinary influence on modern behavior can be quantified.  If not, misinterpreted modern threats will destroy us.  We will arrest human degradation, or our species will perish

All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”  —Roy Batty, “Blade Runner.”

In this above illistration, highlighted in orange, are the current concerns that block human sustainability.  The inertia of conflict into perpetuity is neither natural nor remotely survivable.  

The bottom of the chart, highlighted in white, is a template for hope.  Humanity must examine itself in unblinking fashion.  We have the evolutionary data to do that.  The cycle of unnatural human conflict will be arrested over a great period of time – perhaps a century – or humans will perish.  Fully monetized conflict must redirect over the slow march of time.

Situational ownerhip hurts, but escapism kills.  With these existential prisons defined, we can escape them.



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