Commitment to Extinction

Commitment to Extinction

–Modern humans act unnaturally, relative to 100,000 prior generations of collaborative, affiliative and cooperative behavior.  Collaborating humans thrived for 2,000,000 years.

Around 10-15,000 years ago, as populations grew, the first class-based economic models formed.  These models of acquisitive self-interest are foreign to human DNA.  Self-interested behavior short-circuited evolutionary chemistry.  

The Human Injury was born.  Humans diminished their own in class-based hierarchies.  

–Resentment was introduced to the human experience.  

–Resentment gave way to Vengeance.  

–Vengeance gave way to Insurgency  

All human empires to come were doomed at inception, but they could not know why.  The precision of these assured breakdowns is now understood.

These same doomed models exist today, globally. 

CONCLUSIONNot Survivable.

Monetized human conflict cannot view itself.  Humanity will redirect its inertia, or our species will commit to its demise, as a mathematical certainty. 



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