A River That Leads To An Ocean

A River That Leads To An Ocean

About this Video:

This video describes the immense diversity of subject matters that await visitors to Noēsis.  The expansive nature of our mission, to actively redirect a frightened and confused Humanity away from the tragedy of “Commitment to Extinction”, requires the guaranteed intelligence that awaits any process of deductive reasoning.

Noēsis describes the mathematics of all human dynamics, both the existing constants, and then the variables we would seek to create by global educational initiatives.  Humans currently feel unsafe to VIEW themselves—Noēsis will change that.

Cosmic Rarity is also a featured subject.  We’ll explore “Rare Earth”, “The Fermi Paradox”, “Drake’s Equation”, “The Great Filter”, and much more. Any intelligent mission must feature a lack of BLAME or JUDGMENT. Neither of these concepts have remedial utility, nor do either of them apply at to the degradation of the human race.


This completes the descriptions for videos filmed in 2019, each of which are intended to explain important ideas imparted in the original video. Please see another list of video explanations that accompany the “Noēsis Video Series”.



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